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who am i?

Hello, I´m Blanca Rosales an Advertisig and

 PR graduate (2019)

Media Communications Specialist.

Born in Spain, currently living in London, UK. 

Raised by the 90's (1997)

Marketing and Digital Marketing.
Communications and Social Media.
Multilingual and Copywriting.

Blanca realised early in her life she was passionate about the business of advertising, media communications and design. Also, she was pretty interested in languages, due to her interest she decided to study in a Cambridge School (in Spain), as a result she has a fluent level of English and an intermedium level of French. Years after, during her studies at University, she decided to move to Italy to do an extra year in "Media Communications", during this year she learned Italian as a second language.

  When she finished her studies, she moved to London to start her career working for companies such as Film Fashion Luxury as the Assistant to producer and later for Spy Manor Productions as a Digital Marketing Assistant.

London, UK
