Office Administrator at PJD Construction 2020 - Current Accomplishments and Experience 0 Experience In Communicating With Customer/Client Through The Telephone 0 Manage Correspondence By Answering Emails And Telephone Calls 0 Prepare Regular Reports And Presentations 0 Research And Implement New Directives For Business Growth And Prosperity 0 Sales, Negotiation Prices, Dealing With Customers, Businesses And Public Institutions
Social Media Strategist at Envilea_beachwear 2019 - Current Accomplishments and Experience 0 Create Guidelines That Define Our Company’S Voice Both Online And Offline 0 Creating All Type Of Copy For The Website And Social Media Channels 0 Develop Product Marketing Strategies 0 Identify Target Audiences And Understand Their Behaviour And Habits 0 Monitor Corporate Website And Social Media Pages And Address Clients’ Queries
Tax administrator at Sofia Municipality, Bulgaria 2013 - 2019 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Calculated, Inspected And Processed Tax Accounts For Individuals And Entities And Applied Sanctions For Not Being Compliant 0 Introduced, Implemented & Applied New Local And Central Government Tax Rules, Regulations And Legislations 0 Produced Weekly, Monthly And Annual Reports And Mis On Various Tax Incomes And Costs
Masters Of Digital Marketing at University of National and World Economy Graduated in 2019 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Content Creation, Social Media Channels, Management Of Communications, Businesses Intelligence Software - Tableau, Campaigning
Bachelor of Business Economics at University of Economics, Varna Graduated in 2013 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Aspects Of Traditional Marketing 0 Finance, Accounting & Management 0 Microeconomic & Macroeconomic Principles
Top Skills 0 analytical mind with problem-solving aptitude 0 analytical skills to manage large amounts of data 0 commercial awareness to understand and manage client concerns 0 content creation and social media management 0 detail oriented and comfortable working in a fast-paced office environment 0 excellent organisation and administration skills 0 familiarity with finance principles and practices 0 Reporting Skills 0 strong knowledge of social media channels 0 working independently and as part of a team, to understand and deliver high quality customer’s needs and client services 0 knowledge of computers with an understanding of the microsoft windows products and technologies Other Skills 0 able to build rapport with potential/customers new clients as well as strong relationships internally