0 challenged and inspired the dev team to implement ci/cd pipeline improvements taking the deployment)me
0 created a priori)sed backlog with actual business value from the original back log which was a list of components that were tech focused and didn't deliver value to the business
0 key milestones in the project which eventually led to the successful delivery of the project
0 the
0 took the project from being delivered in its en)rety at the end of the project to enabling the business to view
0 before i joined the teams i was working with were 8 months behind developing a system to replace a legacy applica)on
0 coaching analysts in wri)ng user stories using the invest model and splifng epics using the spidr diagram
0 iden)fying and fixing key issues with the ci/cd pipeline
0 once the team had managed to get our applica)on deployed to produc)on, we experienced some teething issues with integra)on with other teams which we were able to quickly resolve do to a new bug fixing process that i introduced the team to. this reduced bug
0 reducing turn around on bug fixes from 2 weeks to 24 hours