Front Office Assistant at Texas State University 2018 - 2020 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Ability To Concentrate On One Task For Long Periods Of Time 0 Ability To Generate Creative Ideas To Improve Performance 0 Ability To Listen And Empathise 0 Able To Build Rapport With Potential/Customers New Clients As Well As Strong Relationships Internally 0 Assist Upper Management In Setting Goals That Promote Company Growth View More
Office Assistant at Memory Lawn Memorial Park 2011 - 2018 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Delegate Tasks And Ensure That They Are Completed In Accordance With Existing Policies And Procedures 0 Ensure Efficient Greetings For All Employees And Visitors And Resolve All Complex Issues 0 Experience In Communicating With Customer/Client Through The Telephone 0 Knowledge Of Customer Service Functions And Principles 0 Maintain A Calendar And Set Up Meetings View More
Master Of Arts, American Literature at Texas State University Graduated in 2020 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Corporate Social Responsibility 0 Knowledge And Innovation Management 0 Leadership 0 Methodology
Top Skills 0 ability to follow directions and work in collaboration 0 ability to generate creative ideas to improve performance 0 ability to interpret and explain complex legislation to non-specialists 0 ability to listen and empathise 0 ability to think laterally by analysing scenarios and drawing suitable conclusions 0 able to build rapport with potential/customers new clients as well as strong relationships internally 0 able to turn analytical information to design 0 analytical mind with problem-solving aptitude 0 analytical skills to manage large amounts of data 0 comfortable presenting information to management and colleagues 0 commercial awareness to understand and manage client concerns 0 experience in communicating with customer/client through the telephone 0 maintain adequate preparation time for scheduled meetings/deadlines 0 photoshop 0 understanding of how designs contribute to performance Other Skills 0 ability to analyse and evaluate employee performance 0 ability to articulate and discuss design decisions with clients and stakeholders 0 ability to maintain accurate records and filing systems 0 ability to work independently and as part of a team 0 able to work in a fast-paced team-based environment with minimal supervision 0 desire to enhance and develop skills and knowledge 0 experience in handling customer/client complaints 0 honest and discreet attitude when dealing with company accounts 0 motivational and leadership skills to inspire performance 0 storytelling and presentation skills View All Skills