Marketing Assistant at Hielo Beverages India Limited 2018 - 2019 Accomplishments and Experience 0 Ability To Work With Dynamic Teams 0 Assess The Performance Of Our Advertising Campaigns And Events 0 Business And Commercial Acumen 0 Create Guidelines That Define Our Company’S Voice Both Online And Offline 0 Creative Content And Copy Writing Skills With Strong Attention To Detail 0 Desire To Proactively Learn And Develop 0 Develop Product Marketing Strategies 0 Experience In Communicating With Customer/Client Through The Telephone 0 Identify Target Audiences And Understand Their Behaviour And Habits 0 Leader With Both Creative And Analytical Capabilities 0 Plan And Execute Initiatives To Reach The Target Audience Through Appropriate Channels 0 Strong Customer-Service Skills Including Issue Resolution And Negotiation 0 Study Company Profile And Operations To Understand Its Marketing Needs