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  • Accomplishments and Experience
  • 0 150million per annum. led a cross-functional team across strategy and technology finance to completely redesign sainsbury's approach to capex investment management and financial governance
  • 0 aligning capital spend against board-level strategic priorities, enabling alignment and transparency around capex allocation
  • 0 as a result of these changes and establishing a platform for continual and sustainable evolution, in the first year of process adoption npv increased by £135 million, with the division forecasted to make a positive roi for the first time since its incepti
  • 0 establishing a progressive funding model, with autonomy devolved to product families on how they manage their capex allocation
  • 0 pivoting the funding and governance model to focus on delivery against business outcomes, with quarterly inspection points at board level to validate forecasted benefits and monthly product councils (business and technology) to inspect progress during the
  • 0 primary outcomes delivered include
  • 0 responsible for leading and establishing a complete overhaul in governance and funding for the digital and technology, a 1, 500-person division which invests
  • 0 simplifying the mechanism for funding requests to a single artefact per product family per quarter, reducing overhead by > 90